Emma Griffiths PR is a strategic and innovative PR firm headed by Emma Griffiths, a publicity maven with over 20 years experience in theatrical, unit, festival, VOD, DVD, TV, special event and industry publicity. She has managed hundreds of film campaigns in their entirety during unit, theatrical, festival and award season stages.


Our goal is to simplify the publicity process for studios, filmmakers or producers who are looking to reduce costs in this challenging economic climate, yet want to keep the full benefits of a quality publicity team on their side. Our mission is to be everything and anything publicity-wise to a client, whether it is developing a three-month campaign on a star-studded period piece, running the press junket or premiere for a film, promoting a new filmmaker to the masses, or simply taking your film and ensuring the right people know about it at festivals around the globe.


We provide targeted, hands-on publicity services, specifically taking on a limited number of projects so that clients never feel they have been lost in the shuffle. Importantly, we have experience and understanding of the changing media landscape and new models of self-distribution, in addition to traditional approaches. Our passion is embracing challenging projects and delivering outstanding results.